Hero Image Peterborough


At Puttstars, we are committed to making our products and services as accessible as possible.

In Our Centres
Puttstars offers disabled access in all of its centres, with at least one accessible course at each centre excluding Peterborough.

The following courses are DDA compliant:

Leeds – Pinball
York – Pinball
Rochdale – Slingshot
Harrow – Zig Zag

For further information or to discuss your individual requirements please call your local centre direct.

This site is designed to ensure it is accessible to all Internet users and meets or exceeds current UK accessibility legislation and internationally accepted guidelines.

This website complies with the Web Accessibility Initiative and all pages on this site are built to at least A (Single A) standard, complying to all priority 1 guidelines.

We are working hard to provide access to services and information that are helpful to all of our guests. Our website has been designed with the following accessible guidelines in mind:

The site uses a stylesheet and relative font sizes on all text with the exception of graphical text. The font size of text can be changed in size by using the "view" option in the browser and selecting your desired "font size".

All images, where appropriate, have an alternative text attribute. This means that when an image is conveying important information its content is described with an alternative text. Where an image is used for decorative purposes the alternative text attribute has been left blank.

The site map exists to provide links to all sections of the site.

Browser Compatibility
The standard support browser versions are:


IE 9
Firefox 26
Chrome 32

Windows 7

IE 9, 10 & 11
Firefox 26
Chrome 32

Windows 8

IE 10
Firefox 26
Chrome 31


Firefox 25
Chrome 31
Safari 6.1


Firefox 26
Chrome 31
Safari 5.1

OS X Mavericks

Firefox 26
Chrome 31
Safari 7

Mobile Devices

iOS 7 on iPad, and iphone.

We have tested this website thoroughly and are always keen to improve our accessibility tools. If you do find any accessibility barriers that affect or prevent your use and enjoyment of the site, please let us know and we'll do our best to address the problem as soon as possible.

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